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You’ve successfully signed up for Sigma! We’ll email you soon to help you create an account and let you know when you can start sending links and getting paid. Thanks!

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Start getting paid today

Start getting paid today

Create payment links, get paid in digital dollars, access a real U.S. bank account with a prepaid card, and more. Get early access with a Sigma Account.

Create payment links, get paid in digital dollars, access a real U.S. bank account with a prepaid card, and more. Get early access with a Sigma Account.

Create payment links, get paid in digital dollars, access a real U.S. bank account with a prepaid card, and more. Get early access with a Sigma Account.

Payment links and Global Finances for digital workers.

Learn about Sigma

Payment links and Global Finances for digital workers.

Learn about Sigma

Payment links and Global Finances for digital workers.

Learn about Sigma

Payment links and Global Finances for digital workers.

Learn about Sigma